DSN—备战暑假第三回合! 2017-06
DSN - Prepare for the third round of summer vacation!

DSN一备战暑假第二回合! 2017-06
DSN prepares for the second round of summer vacation!

DSN-备战暑假第一回合! 2017-06
DSN - Prepare for the first round of summer vacation!

2017第四届儿童主题乐园管理研讨会正式开讲! 2017-06
The Fourth Symposium on the Management of Children's Theme Parks in 2017 was officially opened.

“让营销走出去”滙德教育营销6期走进迪赛纳艺术 畅谈营销妙招! 2017-06
Marketing Goes Out

壮志凌云,昂首未来——亚特创意 成立发布会暨开业盛典圆满举行 2017-06
Yate Creative Establishment Conference and Opening Ceremony

别出心裁,筑梦未来——广州亚特创意设计有限公司隆重开业 2017-06
Guangzhou Yate Creative Design Co., Ltd. opened grandly

迪赛纳团队进山修炼啦...... 2017-06
DSN team training......

迪赛纳:设计上锐意创新 服务上信守契约 2017-06
DSN:dedicated to innovate in design and abide by contract in service

边游玩,边学习 2017-06
While playing, while studying

校企联盟签约授牌仪式 2017-06
Signing and Licensing Ceremony of School-Enterprise Alliance

儿童乐园运营管理研讨会(第一届) 2017-05
Symposium on Operation and Management of Children's Paradise (1st)

迪赛纳评为副会长单位 2017-05
DSN was awarded Vice-President Unit

迪赛纳乔迁之喜 2017-05
DSN best wishes for your new home

迪赛纳隆重亮相GTI广州展 2017-05
DSN drand appearance at GTI Guangzhou Exhibition

创意沙龙 2016-06
Creative Salon